
姜全保教授合作申请CPEC-Collaborative Research Grant项目
来源: 时间:2021-09-29 点击:[]

巴基斯坦Sindh Agricultural University Tando Jam的Ismail Kumbhar教授作为巴方主申请人(PI),姜全保教授作为中方申请人(Co-PI),人口与发展研究所巴基斯坦籍博士生Athar Ali Shah作为参与人,向巴基斯坦高等教育委员会联合申请的CPEC-Collaborative Research Grant (CPEC-CRG)项目“Energy Infrastructure and Subjectivities”获得资助,经费为2400万卢比。

The CPEC- Collaborative Research Grant (CPEC-CRG) is one of the key components of recently launched HEC initiative namely “Academic Collaboration under CPEC Consortium of Universities”. The overall objective of the said project is to understand and respond to the historic global geo-strategic and geo-economic transition and its impact on the region in general and Pakistan in particular, keeping in the view the broad Chinese Belt and Road Initiative and its Pakistan-specific component – CPEC.

The research project titled “Energy Infrastructure and Subjectivities” aims to study socio-economic, environmental, agricultural, religious, and gendered impacts of CPEC Energy and Infrastructure Projects. How people construct subjectivities in relation to these projects. How these subjectivities are united at broader level to form an ethnic nationalism. The exploitation of cultural symbols has been observed as a way to unite people through proving common origin. It is also argued that ethnicity and nationalism are provoked among people to strengthen grip over scarce resources. Therefore study will be focused upon socio-economic conditions and demographic characteristics of people showing disenchantment or different perceptions with the CPEC and China. After the detailed evaluation of the projects we will be able to understand underlying sources of conflicts. That will help us to form a policy that could reduce the risk of conflicts and to develop cultural harmony between different ethnic groups and China and Pakistan.




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