讲座嘉宾:DanjielGasevic副教授,Yuanyuan Wang研究员
讲座题目(一):Sit less, move more for your health
The lecture is about physical activity for overall health and well-being. The talk will conclude with practical advice on how to reduce sitting time, stay active, and integrate beneficial movement practices into daily life-small steps that add up to significant health benefits. Join us to learn how sitting less and moving more can make a positive difference to your health and quality of life.

Danijela is an Associate Professor of Chronic Disease Epidemiology and Prevention, Head of the Postgraduate Program and Head of the Professional Education Program in the School of Public Health and Prevention Medicine, Monash University, Her research focuses on prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases with a particular focus on the effect of physical activity and sedentary behaviour on health.Danijela sits on the Human Research Ethics Committee, Alfred Health, and several education-related committees at Monash.
讲座题目(二):How to write a scientific proposal:classic and modern approaches
Nowadays, The impact of food photos on the front pack labeling has increased. This lecture explored if food photo influences the heterogeneity of preferences of the TLS and find that integrating food photos and TLS in online takeaway menus can positively influence consumer decision-making towards healthier options especially for reducing high-fat and high-sugar intake.

Anna Yuanyuan Wang,澳大利亚蒙纳士大学公共卫生与预防医学系兼职讲师,蒙纳士苏州研究院研究员。此前,她在诺丁汉大学取得健康经济学博士学位,在利物浦大学获得硕士学位。她的研究主要集中在新治疗的成本效益分析、支付意愿、新医疗疗法的偏好及相关领域。
Anna Yuanyuan Wang is an Adjunct Lecturer with the Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, FMNHS, Monash university, Australia, and a Research Fellow with Monash Suzhou Research Institute. Prior to this, she gained her Ph.D in Health Economics at the University of Nottingham, and her Master from Liverpool University. Her researches mainly focus on cost-effectiveness analysis of new treatments, willingness to pay, preferences for new medical therapies, and related areas.