讲座嘉宾:Gary Wong
讲座题目:How to write a scientific proposal: classic and modern approaches
Gary Wong教授将通过介绍如何用传统和现代的方法撰写科学研究计划,引导韦德bv1946备用网址和青年科研人员深入了解科学写作的艺术和实践性。这些技巧通常应用于科研计划、项目审批和手稿撰写等。本讲座将介绍相应工具、技术和方法的使用,韦德bv1946备用网址将有机会在课堂上进行实践。也将涉及科学传播方法的现代更新,包括视频和人工智能方法的使用。
This talk is intended to guide students and young researchers into the art and practice of scientific writing. These skills are usually applied to proposals, grants, and manuscripts. Tools, techniques, and methods will be presented and students will have a chance to practice these in the lecture. Modern updates to scientific communication techniques will also be discussed including use of videos and artificial intelligence methods.

Gary Wong教授,北卡罗莱纳州立大学博士,澳门大学健康科学学院教授。曾担任东芬兰大学卫生科学学院教授,研究主任。研究兴趣主要聚焦于生物信息学。担任包括Health Bureau of The Government of the HKSAR, Norwegian Research Council, The Wellcome Trust等机构项目评审专家。Google学术H-index为41。
Professor Gary Wong, PhD (North Carolina State University), now a Professor in the Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS), University of Macau with a Google H-index of 41. He was a professor and research director at the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Eastern Finland. His research interests mainly focus on bioinformatics. He is grant program reviewer for the Health Bureau of The Government of the HKSAR, Norwegian Research Council, The Wellcome Trust, etc. 欢迎广大师生积极参加!